Are You A Perfectly Polished Woman? Tips To Be That “SHE.”

Do you ever find yourself out and about, running errands, rushing to a meeting and your eye catches “that woman?” Not just any woman- “that woman” who looks impeccably proper, sleek, poised and just kept up so darn well!

Yes! That. Woman.

These glamorous “SHE’s” make you look disheveled, have you checking your clothes for stains or wrinkles when they are near. You’re shook. They somehow make you re-assess your morning regime and make you feel like going back home and just starting over.

Well these woman aren’t just any woman. These Women are Perfectly Polished SHE’s.

How do they do it? It isn’t that they look like Instagram models, which may appear at first glance, and they are not exactly wearing Gucci Mucci from head to toe. These “SHE’s” just know how to put themselves together!

Take a screenshot. We are about to change your life with these vital tips:

1) Controlled Hair.

No, this doesn’t mean you have a thousand dollar salon blowdry, just make sure those wispies are tamed and not looking a beehive. Unless, you’re Beyonce, in that case you’re invisible. Back to the point! It’s summer time, it’s humid! Make sure to use a product to tame those flyaways, smooth down the frizz and not let your curls look like a birds nest.

2) Lipstick. Lipstick & Lipstick!

No, it doesn’t matter whether, it’s a gloss or a matte, the color is also irrelevant. Just make sure to reapply if it wears off when you’re sipping on your tall, almond milk, matcha Frappuccino. Seeing lipstick half on (because we see the glass half full!) can give you the hot mess look. And we aren’t down with that.

**Extra tip: Chipped nail polish is a huge no no! Always have your back-up nail polish in your purse incase you whip your so hair so hard, you bang your hand on the wall next to you. (Not speaking from experience, kinda.)

3. Follow the rules.

What’s that mean? Simple…wakeup, eat breakfast, have time to drink your coffee, take your B12 vitamin, scroll through your social media accounts for only 15 min and start your day.

Yeah, yeah, easier said than done. Wendy Williams comes on at 10am (CST), hot topics is so hard to miss. But follow the rules. Put the show on “record” & start planning out today. Not tomorrow, Today!

4) Simple is Best.

Make sure to always assess yourself in the mirror before leaving. If anything really stands out, take it off girl, just take it off. Do not over do it: rather choose either a statement necklace or statement earrings, never both.

**Extra tip** Clean your shoes! Dirty shoes can serve non-verbal clues as to what kind of person you are. Clean or Dirty. Simple! Grab that baking soda and an old toothbrush and wipe those marks off you heels.

5) Our favorite. Let that CONFIDENCE shine!

Stand tall, speak eloquently, radiate happiness, wear your massive sunglasses! Let your inner Queen resonate and battle your day with positive energy, stride and confidence.

Polished Women have one main thing in common: CONFIDENCE. So even if all else fails- in the pointers we gave you above, keep moving through out your day with your chin up buttercup.

Remember, before Alice got to Wonderland, she had to fall.



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About SHE

Proud originator from Hearst Publications family. SHE USA is a bi-monthly print/online Fashion, Lifestyle, Business, Health & Wellness, Beauty and Entertainment publication.
SHE is affiliated with SHE Magazine from the UK & South Asia. SHE has been in publication for 56 plus years and is one of the most widely read English language publications on the sub-continent.
The USA edition launched in 2018. SHE USA appeals to the upper echelons in the fashion world between ages 20-65. 

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