Meet Sanaam Memon, CEO and founder of Just Dua It, a jewelry line dedicated to inspiring the Arab culture with a portion of all sales helping build Masjids in third world countries.
How did Just Dua It all begin? What was your concept or idea for the business?
“I launched this brand when I was in my second year of college. Wearing jewelry was very popular at the school I went to and everybody had a signature pendant that they would wear every day, most of the time it was some version of the cross pendant. The style was nice and It looked good from an aesthetic point of view. Although this didn’t really represent who I was and what I believed in as I was the only Muslim kid among the group. So I made it my mission to find myself a pendant that would look good and have a deeper meaning behind it that really would represent my character. After shopping around I honestly could not find anyone selling jewelry for Middle eastern culture. So I decided to make it my mission to create an outlet for Muslims all over the world where they can wear high-quality jewelry that represents what they believe in and while doing so we will take a portion of each sale and give back to our community.”

What challenges did you face along the way?
“Trying to balance going to school full time, working a part-time job, and then coming home to grind out more hours on the website, product designs, marketing, etc. They were long days and to be honest they still are but I love what I’m doing so I try to look at it more as a positive than something negative.”

What is the inspiration behind your jewelry?
“I was inspired to make jewelry that could bring my two worlds together. My roots back home and the modern fashion culture that exists today. A perfect example of this is our We The North Collection. In the city of Toronto, we have a slogan that goes by “We The North” – This is our way of uniting everyone in the city to come as one to represent the North (Canada). I took this as inspiration and created a pendant that is in the shape of the Canadian Maple leaf and engraved it with Arabic Calligraphy that translates to “We The North” making this piece very special to me as it collides my life in Canada now but without leaving my roots behind.”
What are Just Dua It’s goals and mission?
“The mission has always been to create an outlet for Muslims all over the world where they can wear high-quality jewelry that represents what they believe in and while doing so we will take a portion of each sale and give back to our community. After 3 years in business Just Dua It has now been able to create a Masjid and Water pump for the orphans in Uganda. Our goal is to build 3 more Masjids in the next 5 years, Inshallah.”
To what do you attribute your success?
“Of course, I have to thank God for putting me in this position as nothing is possible without his help and guidance. I also have to thank myself for putting in the work when nobody believed in me. There will always be doubters, sometimes even family but honestly I just used that as motivation to work even harder and show everyone that if you love what you do and put in the work, anything is possible!”
What piece of advice would you give someone that wants to start their own business?
“Don’t chase the money. Start your business because you are passionate about the business and the art behind your craft. It will be hard to give it your 100% if you do not like what you do. Many times people think success is the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing you’ll be successful.”
Sanaam Memon is a not only a jewelry designer, but a humanitarian. His efforts to build Masjids in third world countries gives Muslims a place to gather in their community. You can purchase jewelry at
Sylvina Bravo @thesylvie_
Fashion Editor
SHE Magazine USA