Artist and Founder of ‘I Cast to Empower,’ Artista Elisabet brought together an amazing and empowering display of art that showcases true womanhood. Elisabet says, “The female body is a wondrous thing! It can produce life, it can nurture and protect. What’s even more amazing is that we are all unique and beautiful. We come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Our body is the shell that keeps our heart alive. These works of art highlight the Beauty, Creativity, Diversity, Heart and Passion of my models.”

“The Stories behind the Soul,” is the name of the event where ten of Houston’s ‘Wonder Women’ come together to have Artista Elisbaet mold sculptures of their bodies that are mounted on gallery canvases. Through this creation of one-of-a-kind sculptures, unique to each individual woman, these qualities are immortalized as Artista Elisabet exemplifies the celebration of women for their strength on many levels. Their energies are captured into an unforgettable masterpiece.

Artista Elisabet Celebrates women in all shapes and sizes and manifests that into her art, as every woman is like art. Unique and beautiful.
See Artista Elisabet’s work at @artistaelisabet
SHE Magazine USA